Thursday, April 15, 2010


Mimi makes the kitty equivalent of an "Oof" whenever she flops over for a tummy rub or a snooze, which I thought was the height of her cuteness.

But then she did this.


angie said...



Marlene said...

oooh! So cute! Chani does something similar. She'll put her paw over her head while she is sleeping like she's doing the sleepy equivalent of "Oy Vey". Sooo cute and irresistable :D

kittykye said...

The standy-uppy-white floof, oh my!!! :D

HubbleSpacePaws said...

Oh, she is trying mightily to smite you with cuteness! Looks like it's working, too!

Martin Hooper said...

She is a lovely little cat!

Love her floof and her black bits...


Leslie said...

I am officially smitten, Lisa. SMITTEN. And kittykye, it took all of my willpower not to rub my cheek against that luxurious fur!

Marlene, what is it with cats and adorably expressive sleeping positions?

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