... or just take a nap.
Unfortunately, Oliver tends to knock things over too from places like bookshelves and tables when no one's home during the day. Double-stick tape is an effective but impractical deterrent for high-traffic areas (like, say, the kitchen counter). Short of installing a motion-sensing alarm to make noise whenever he gets above a certain altitude, what ideas do you have, wise readers?
I'm afraid that I have nothing. I can barely stop 9 from jumping on the countertops. Aside from 'disciplining' him with a strongly worded lecture while corporal cuddling him, he goes where he wants.
I've tried putting pennies in aluminum cans and placing them on the surfaces the cats like. It works in the short term but it is annoying for high traffic areas...
Oh, I just love his big green eyes.
As far as keeping him of countertops, that's a tough one. I've never had much success with keeping kitties off counters, etc - I usually just give in and let them do as they please. :P
Some might think that spraying a water-bottle at him when at home, once catching him in the act, might work... then keep the bottle on the shelf when not at home. But, I honestly have no idea if that'll actually work!
A motion detector might be the best bet, but we haven't gone that route yet.
I've tried large sheets of contact paper, sticky side up, on the counters with inconsistent results. Somehow Sara finds a way to avoid it or even worse, likes to chew it! So, we just try to make sure there's nothing up there to tempt her, though it doesn't stop her from poking around for nibbles. She does know she's not supposed to be there and gets down if we catch her in the act...
However, if you want to try this, get it from the hardware store, which sells it in large rolls and is much cheaper than the "Sticky Paws" stuff at the pet store. You might have to get a little creative with it, but you won't be out much if it doesn't work.
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