Guess who else wanted a closeup?
Yep, it's Sara! Her mom Esther sent us a link in a
comment to an album she started for this little ball of cute. Here are some of the photos of her, luxuriating in her home of one year (commentary mine below). For the full album, click
Okay, Sara, let's get a look at you. Maybe not
quite so close so we can admire you in full form?
Thank you. And the other side, please. You always were a natural at posing ...
Excellent. I see you too have taken up reading, like many of our other fosters. (What is it about the printed word that attracts kitties so well?)
Hmmm, no comment. That's unusual; I do remember you were quite talkative when you were staying with us. Uh oh, wait. That's not -- you're not going to --
It is! You did! That irresistible invitation for a belly rub! I must ignore. Oh well, I guess it's not as bad as that other trick in your repertoire, possibly the only thing that can rival this cuteness --
Oh dear, you remembered that too. The blanket burrow! Now I must swoon.
Sara's adoption anniversary is next week, but we wanted to wish her and her family a happy one before all the holiday bustle got too crazy for our readers -- a proper feting of our former fosters is always warranted! So go check out the album and leave some congratulations there. We're delighted to have the update!